About Us

Welcome to Web-Astrology, the leading astrology website on the internet. Our team of experts has been studying the stars for years and has a deep understanding of the influence they have on our lives.

Our site provides you with daily horoscopes, zodiac sign compatibility, and personalized birth chart readings. With our cutting-edge technology and advanced algorithms, we guarantee accurate and personalized insights into your life and future.

Our mission is to empower and inspire you with the wisdom of the stars, helping you navigate life’s ups and downs with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned astrology enthusiast or a newcomer to the subject, our site has something for everyone.


Sarah Johnson, CEO and Lead Astrologer
Michael Davis, Chief Technology Officer
Emily Lee, Director of Astrological Research
James Parker, Head of Content and Communications
David Green, Astrological Advisor
Maria Rodriguez, Customer Support Manager
Alex Chen, Software Engineer
Jessica Kim, Social Media Specialist
Thomas Wilson, Astrological Chart Specialist
Lauren Smith, Graphic Designer


It all started with a group of friends who were passionate about astrology. They had been studying the stars for years and were eager to share their knowledge and insights with others. But they soon realized that the world of astrology was full of confusing and conflicting information, making it difficult for people to access accurate and personalized insights.

Determined to change this, they decided to create a platform that would make astrology accessible and understandable to everyone. They brought together a team of experts with a range of skills and expertise, from software engineers to astrological advisors, and set out to build the ultimate astrology website.

The team worked tirelessly, pouring their hearts and souls into the project. They conducted extensive research, developed innovative technologies, and created engaging content that would make astrology fun and informative for everyone.

Finally, after many months of hard work, Web-Astrology was launched. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with people raving about the depth and accuracy of the astrological insights they received.

Today, the Web-Astrology team continues to work towards their mission of making astrology accessible and empowering for all. They are a close-knit group of friends and colleagues who are passionate about their work and dedicated to improving the lives of others through the wisdom of the stars.